Christmas Services

There will be two services on Christmas Eve—A Family Service (Jesus Party) at 4 p.m. and a service of Holy Eucharist at 9 p.m. There will be no service on Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve nor New Year’s Day. However, there will be a New Year’s Eve Celebration—more...

Social Concern

The ACW is looking for a chairperson for the Social Concern Committee. If anybody in the congregation would be interested in leading this very important committee, please let Dale or Sandra know. Until there is a chairperson in place, lay visitations cannot be done to...

Bible Study

Rev. Robin is leading a Lectionary Bible Study on Monday mornings beginning at 10 a.m. The lectionary is a pre-selected list of scriptural texts from the Bible (called “lections”) recommended for daily use in worship or study. In our case, we use the designated...

Church Calendars

If you would like a 2019 Church Calendar, please contact Karen Brown (489-6490). The cost is $5 each.