Holy Trinity Anglican Church

Grand Falls – Windsor

Rector: Rev. Robin Trevors

Office: 489-3002

Cell: 631-0087

Church Office, Beaumont Ave 489-3002
Rector & Vestry Chair Rev. Robin Trevors
Warden Robert Hiscock
Warden Glenn Budgell
Secretary Sharron Pomeroy
Treasurer Thelma Stockley
Select Vestry Members
Barbara Leyte
Cathy Flynn
Sonja Cull
Bill Melvin
Don Frampton
Dennis Boone
Sherry Boone
Envelope Secretary Susan Hutchings
Bulletin Secretary Susan Hutchings
Sunday School Superintendent
Sidesmen Association
► President Winston Ellsworth
► Vice President Bill Reid
► Treasure
► Secretary
Singing Sidesmen Leader Freeman Piercey
ACW (Anglican Church Women)
► Co-President Dolly Hart
► Co-President Thelma Stockley
► Secretary Sherry Boone
► Treasurer Dale Butler
► Family Life Vacant
► Worship / Education / Mission Barbara Leyte
► Social Concern Sandra Knight
► Alter Guild Co-Chairs Vivian Hall & Linda Hulan
► Alter Guild Secretary                                                                                                       Danette Rowsell
Honorary Associates Bishop Donald Young
Rev. Nelson Chatman
Lay Ministers
Barbara Leyte
David Mercer
Eucharistic Assistants
Barbara Leyte
Linda Hulan
Ann Shears
Stephen Lewis
Cheryl Chipman
Fred Pafford
Hubert Griffin
Gloria Robinson
Choir Director Charlotte Carey
Organist/Pianist Charlotte Carey
Hospital Chaplain
Order of St. Luke (OSL)
► Convenor Patricia Hammond
► Co-Convenor
► Treasurer Thelma Stockley
► Secretary
► Chaplain Rev. Robin Trevors
Lay Representatives to Synod and Deanery Council Committee Barbara Leyte & Dolly Hart
Alternate Representatives to Synod
Cemetery Committee William Reid & George Hart
Canadian Bible Society Audrey & Roy Goulding
Parish Contact
Stephen Lewis
Sound Team
George Dominix (Group Leader)
Wayne Ricks
Doug Prince
Bruce Bishop
Webmaster Stephen Lewis & Susan Hutchings


The Anglican Parish of Grand Falls
Church Road
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 1L9
Telephone: (709) 489-3002 – Office
(709) 489-2343 – Fax
(709) 489-2343 – Parish Hall