Holy Trinity Anglican Church

Grand Falls – Windsor

Rector: Rev. Robin Trevors

Office: 489-3002

Cell: 631-0087

Anglican Church Women’s Association is another extremely important ministry at Holy Trinity. They are involved in so many aspects of church life, and, it is not really a group one joins, because every Anglican woman is already a member of the ACW. Obviously they need to come together to do the work of their Association, therefore, they meet monthly for fellowship and to conduct their business. The work they do in the life of the church is tremendous, and, they have a number of sub-committees that do this work, such as: Altar Guild – a number of groups of ladies that take responsibility for ensuring that the Sanctuary of the church is well cared for, that the altar is adorned with the color of the various seasons of the church year, that the candles, Communion vessels, and other items necessary to worship are properly cleaned and cared for. That the linens and vestments are properly cleaned and stored, that flowers adorn the Sanctuary for certain seasons of the year, and so much more. Social Concern & Outreach – they take special care to send out birthday cards, get well cards, and other types of cards to the elderly of the parish. They work to donate items to the hospital that are needed for the children’s unit or to support the hospital auxiliary. They drop off food to families that are going through a time of bereavement, and so much more. Family Life – they ensure that following baptism there is followup with family, by sending out baptismal items and birthday cards. Worship & Education – they ensure that programs are supported in the church that promote the learning of the faith for children and young people. Also to organize worship for the opening and closing of ACW monthly meetings. The ACW often provides refreshments in the hall for families that want to have a reception following a funeral service. They also sponsor a foster child, a project they have been doing now for many years. They spend a big portion of the year preparing for the annual Fall sale, there is even a craft group that meets weekly (usually Monday afternoons) to make items for the sale. The proceeds from the Fall sale are then given to the Vestry to use for the expenses of the parish, quite often as much as $6,000.00 is raised. We hope that you, as an Anglican woman, will become involved in this important ministry of our parish, the work they do is so varied that no doubt you will find an area that is of interest to you.

This is a very important part of our ministry at Holy Trinity, to provide opportunities for people to gather together to study the scriptures, and how they guide our faith journey. The rector usually leads a bible study on Monday mornings at 10:15 – 11:30 am, and the other groups meet on Thursday afternoons and evenings, many of them are led by lay people. This is open to anyone in our congregation, and even beyond, as we usually have several participate from other denominations. These bible studies are promoted before they begin, and all information is provided about them. If you would like to know more about being a member of a bible study group please contact the church at 489-6597.

Is a cemetery shared by other Christian denominations in our town. Each congregation has its own section of the cemetery, and, is responsible to see that the section is well cared for. However, the overall cemetery is operated by an interdenominational committee, that sets down policy and guidelines that each congregation must adhere to. The cost of maintaining the grounds and snow clearing, as well as other expenses, are paid for by monies collected from all the churches that use the cemetery. For example, we have two representatives from our parish serving on the committee, and we are assessed our fair share of the costs, and these funds are passed along to the committee.

Chapel Prayer Group is a special session every Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm in the chapel. We come together to pray for whatever may be happening in the life of the church, our own personal lives, or for our community, province, country and the world. We begin with prayer led by the rector or appointed lay people, a meditation is read from a book, and then time is spent in prayer. Prayers are said by the leader, but others are also invited to pray if they feel comfortable to do so. Anyone can join us any week for chapel prayers, all are welcome. Prayer is important in our lives, prayers for ourselves and for the church and world. When we gather we become the Church at prayer. If you wish the chapel prayer group to pray for a particular need you have or for someone you know please contact Rev. Robin, names can remain anonymous.

Our choir is a very important to the worship and music ministry at Holy Trinity. Our choir director is Beverley Jones, and, our organist – pianist is Stephanie Coffin. Both are very experienced and qualified music teachers and we are blessed to have them on our staff. The choir consists of a group of dedicated men and women that meet every Monday evening from 8:00 – 9:30 pm to practice the hymns and music for Sunday worship, as well as special music for the various seasons of the year, such as Christmas and Easter. It is always a great time of fellowship and fun when they get together to practice. The choir sometimes will represent the parish during ecumenical services such as The Festival of Praise. We are always so happy to welcome new members to the choir, and, if you are one that enjoys singing why not think about becoming a part of our church choir? You can contact our choir director by calling 489 – 7522

Is another very important ministry we participate in at Holy Trinity. We have representatives and volunteers that serve the food bank regularly. We also have a food collection box in the main entrance of the church, that collects non-perishable food items from members of the parish. The first Sunday of each month is designated as Food Bank Sunday, and members are asked to bring along items then, however, the box is there all the time and you are welcome to drop items in there anytime. We collect a lot of food there each month and are glad of our parish contribution to helping provide a little extra food to those who have so much less. Food Items Needed at Food Bank All Year Round Margarine, 3lb ( 12×1/4 lb squares ) Juice, 1L carton Mac & Cheese Sugar , 2 kilo bag Milk, evaporated Dry spaghetti, 500 grams Brief History of Food Bank The Grand Falls-Windsor-Bishop’s Falls Food Bank was founded on February 11th, 1993. The original intention was to be a Food Sharing Association, with a mission to help start food banks in other communities in our area. Unfortunately this didn’t come to pass and we had to settle for a food bank serving the people of Grand Falls-Windsor and Bishop’s Falls. The seeds were sown at a public meeting in the EM Bishop Hall called by the Exploits Ministerial Association. Many members of Holy Trinity have served and are still serving with their friends and neighbours at the food bank today. The food bank is open all year round and has the complete support of the towns we serve. In addition to the regular hampers we give out each week, we have a special Christmas Hamper Programme that includes everything needed for Christmas Dinner.
The first Sunday of every month is designated Food Bank Sunday at Holy Trinity and everyone is encouraged by the Rector, Rev. Randy Lockyer to bring along items of non perishable food. There is a drop-in box located inside the main entrance for this purpose. Anyone with a question can contact me, Terry Brown at 489-3898 or email tjbrown@nf.sympatico.ca.

Apart from the Sidesmen, we also have another group of greeters, both male and female, that are scheduled to be at the back of the church each week, greeting parishioners and visitors, and providing them with the worship books and bulletins. Oftentimes they serve there alongside the Sidesmen, and also take up the offering and present it at the altar. Some of our greeters are teams of husband and wife serving together. The Sidesmen always involve and invite the greeters to be part of any social and fellowship functions they have. If you (and your spouse) would like to be a greeter(s) we would love to have you.

Are Lay people in our parish that has a special interest in visiting patients in the hospital. They are properly trained for such visitation, and, oftentimes will bring biblical literature and/or spiritual reading materials. They are also prepared to pray with patients if so desired by the patients. They are approved by the hospital as Lay Pastoral Visitors, and, as such must strictly adhere to all hospital policies, including those around patient privacy. They make a valuable contribution to hospital pastoral care on behalf of Holy Trinity church.

This is an international and ecumenical order dedicated to the healing ministry of the Church. It is named after the gospel writer St. Luke the Physician, and, as such actively promotes the healing ministry passed down to the Church by Jesus. The Order is made up of clergy, health professionals, and lay people from all walks of life, the common thread is that we believe God heals today in all kinds of ways, including by medicine and prayer. Jesus desires us to be well in mind, body and spirit, and therefore healing ministry is vital to the Church. At Holy Trinity we have a very strong OSL, meeting once every month to study healing ministry, to pray for healing professions, such as in our medical fields, and to plan healing services and missions. The scriptures related to the healing ministry of the church are studied in both the Old and New Testaments. Regular services are scheduled at Holy Trinity where the emphasis is on prayer and healing, and there is opportunity for individuals to come forward for personal prayer as well as anointing. We also go to one of the personal care homes each month for healing and prayer services, as well as serve the residents refreshments and fellowship with them. The three homes that we do on a rotational basis are – Hollett’s Retirement Home, Twin Town Manor and Golden Year’s Estate. If you would like to know more about the OSL or about healing ministry in the church, we would be very happy to talk to you. You are always welcome to join with us. Visit the International Order of St. Luke website

What a honor it is to be able to serve in the sanctuary of the church! We welcome any young people that would like to be an altar server at Holy Trinity. We do all the necessary instruction and practices and provide the albs. The basic tasks a Server does is
1. Carry the cross during processions and recesssions, which is as we go into worship and as we leave worship.

2. Receive the offerings of the congregation and place them on the altar for the blessing.

3. Light the altar and sanctuary candles before worship and extinguish them at the end of worship.

4. Take the bread, wine and water from the credence table and pass them to the priest in preparation for the celebration of the Eucharist.

Other duties may be assigned as well by the officiant or celebrant of the worship service. It is not necessary to be already confirmed in order to serve. During training sessions there is always food provided for supper, or a visit is made to a local restaurant with the servers. If you would like to be a Server please speak to the rector.

The Sidesmen Association Consist of a number of men that are involved in many aspects of the life of the parish, such as welcoming parishioners and visitors to worship, providing them with worship books and bulletins. They also get involved with raising monies sometimes for various church projects; they sometimes cater to church functions, such as Communion breakfasts, they organize work projects to complete all kinds of jobs that come up in the building when called upon. They meet on the first Wednesday of each month to do the business of the Association, sometimes the meetings also include a time of fellowship after. They sometimes meet for Communion breakfasts following the 8:30 am Sunday morning Holy Communion. Each year they hold an annual Christmas social and dinner where spouses are also invite; as well, in June they hold an annual closing barbeque, and, again, spouses are invited, as well as other guests and speakers. Any men of the parish are always welcome to join the Association.

Sunday School is a very important part of our children’s ministry at Holy Trinity. It begins at the 10:30 am service, which is the main service of the day, and a wonderful time for families to gather together for worship. The children are invited to come to the chancel area, at the front of the church for a few minutes at the beginning of the service, following the focus talk, they go downstairs for their Sunday School class. There is always a lunch provided for the children near the end of their class time. Special times of the year we like to have the children prepare for services to lead, such as at Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, etc. They always have a lot of fun getting ready for these pageants. All the children are welcome to come and even invite a friend as well, we encourage parents to bring them each week. We always begin in September and finish up with a parish picnic at Church Road Park in June. If you would like to obtain more information about our program please email Ada Lockyer at holytringf@nf.sympatico.ca

Vestry is the elected governing body of the congregation that has responsibility for the administration of all church activities and maintenance. In between annual meetings, the Vestry has the authority to make decisions in the best interest of the parish. It consists of the Rector (who chairs Vestry), two church wardens (one appointed by the Rector and the other elected at the annual meeting), Secretary and treasurer, plus a number of general members of the board. Vestry members are normally elected for a period of three years, and, can serve beyond that only in extenuating circumstances. Because we are a one congregation parish our Vestry also serves as the Parish Council. We hold monthly Vestry meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. The Vestry always has the best interests of the parish at heart, as well, as fulfilling our parish Mission statement.

Each year, normally starting in January, we offer this 10 week course, which is a basic teaching and understanding of the Christian faith on a level that is fun and interesting for young people of this age group (11 to 16). It involves worship time, including prayers, very lively songs, as well as video presentations. Supper is always shared together with the young people doing the course and their leaders. Midway through the course there is also a Spirit Weekend, which is a weekend together with the entire teaching focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is really a fun weekend and we would encourage all young people to do it, they can even invite a friend to come as well. All young people coming for Confirmation must first do the Youth Alpha course, though one does not have to be doing Confirmation to do Youth Alpha. If you would like more information about Youth Alpha please contact Linda Pafford at 489-9801 or Barbara Leyte at 489-9332, they will be pleased to talk to you about it.

The Anglican Parish of Grand Falls
Church Road
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 1L9
Telephone: (709) 489-3002 – Office
(709) 489-2343 – Fax
(709) 489-2343 – Parish Hall